Artist Statement I commenced Warm air, cool light in February 2020 before the arrival of COVID-19 in Australia. The portrait had a purpose then but, like everyone, I had no clue how life’s plans would soon rapidly change.
Created for a painting workshop where people would, now unimaginably, gather less than 1.5m apart. My subject, Pirrin had just returned from visiting family interstate—something she now longs for but cannot easily do. Having completed this portrait in July, the work has now come to represent both a period in time and our collective experience. It’s difficult to extract personalised narratives when so many share a similar one. I suspect the narrative of loss and change will resonate with many people and be seen in the art created during this time.
About the Subject Pirrin Francis is a kind and gentle friend. She works at my local art supply store and is an artist in her own right. I have always thought she would make a wonderful portrait subject, but on the day of our sitting I doubt she thought it was wonderful to be a portrait subject. It was ridiculously hot, by Hobart standards, and I was set on painting her in a striped woollen jumper. I felt terrible for Pirrin but she was more than happy to continue—perhaps it made her feel like she was back in Queensland.
Further Insight Sebastian Galloway is a Tasmanian oil painter working from his home studio in Fern Tree, a beautiful area of forest nestled in the foothills of Hobart’s Kunanyi. Galloway’s work presents a highly rendered image with a strong emphasis on detail and realism. His subject matter is inspired by his love for the Tasmanian environment and the people and creatures that surround him.
Galloway graduated from the University of Tasmania School of Creative Arts, Hobart in 2014. He has since completed five solo exhibitions, participated in numerous group exhibitions and been featured as a finalist in many national art prizes.